Monday, March 3, 2008

Olson complained about city council, staff

Documents released by the City of Marshall with agreement from former public safety chief Mike Olson's attorney, Richard Winslow contained large blocks of blacked out text while others revealed that Olson complained to another, unidentified person, that one council member was a moron and the actions of other city staff was disappointing. A March 10 court hearing in front of Judge Kingsley over the contested documents will let the judge decide whether the remaining information should be opened to the public. The documents, mostly emails, are identified as the basis for City Manager Chris Olson's loss of confidence in Mike Olson's judgment. That hearing is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. Meanwhile, the Marshall city council is expected tonight to finalize the separation agreement with Mike Olson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Outsource cops to the county??

Mr. Goodwin, please reconsider.
