Friday, April 13, 2007

Adult bookstore opens in Marengo

One and a half years after challenging Marengo Township's zoning ordinance in federal court, Little Mack Entertainment II has opened its adult bookstore at Partello Road and I-94 exit 112. While township officials say the shop is in violation of the 35-percent ordinance limit by consuming 98 percent of its floors space with sexually explicit materials, the township has delayed issuing a citation due to the pending federal litigation. See this story in the April 16 Chronicle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it wonderful that the first thing Marshall tourists see when they come to Marshall is an adult bookstore. How tacky. I have boycotted that whole end of town. I purposely take the next exit so my children aren't exposed to such tasteless stores. It's getting to the point where we can't simply drive down the highway without seeing one of these smut stores or some oriental "massage" billboard. What is this world coming to??