Thursday, April 5, 2007

Angry responses...

While we received rave reviews for our coverage of Aaron Morse and the Dark Horse Brewery, the Ron Behrenwald story and positive feedback on the Patrick Reese legal challenge to the city, one story has triggered some angry response. Our lead story about the six teens who created a scare with a simulated weapon has created backlash from parents. While we were careful to avoid identifying the young men, the parents of course know who their sons are in the photo, showing only their backs and a partial side view of one young man. The boys report that they were not on school property but on the sidewalk in front of the school and that they were filming each other with an empty air gun for a class assignment to create a movie about Julius Ceasar in modern day. The parents claim their teacher gave them permission to use the gun in their film as long as it was not loaded. Police have also since learned that there is no zone but that weapons can not be on school property and that simulated weapons are not covered by the state statute. The boys' encounter with police and the police officials carrying their own assault rifle during their investigation of the reported gunmen was in plain view of the public. While we are not required by law to do so, we were careful to avoid printing photos that would identify the boys. We quoted police officials who spoke to us at the scene. We stand by our story and will offer a follow-up report in the April 9 Chronicle.


Anonymous said...

I think what you did was right on. Parents never think their kids can do wrong. It is common sense to know that if you are out in public brandishing a gun (a look-alike in this case) that someone is going to see you and call the police. The police had to act appropriately and that is to assume it is a real gun. You didn't identify the kids--I had no idea who they were. Why would they think because they have "teachers permission" that it would make it ok? That is another common sense thing. Teachers aren't the permission givers on whether or not kids can brandish guns in public. Maybe next time they will do the smart thing and check with the MPD before they do something like that. I bet the parents didn't even know they were doing it to begin with. Good Job Chornicle.

Anonymous said...

The article in the Chronicle was front page with a photo of the students. Whether an actual crime was being committed was not known at the time and yet these kids were front page news. As an educator, I know of the problems that can arise in schools...but to blatantly post these students on the front page of a newspaper before they were even tried in a court is wrong. The Chronicle fueled fire that did not need to be fueled. Responsible reporting was not used and that is what is wrong with media these days. Find out all the facts before trying the "suspects" in the news. Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? And for a public civil servant (Officer Olson) to call these students "wannabe gang-bangers" and for the Chronicle to print that is just blatant discrimination. Shame on the Chronicle and shame on the Marshall Police Department. Are we living in a world where all of our rights are going to be taken away out of fear of what might happen? Yes, the police should have investigated...but the article and the quotes by Officer Olson were uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

"Are we living in a world where all of our rights are going to be taken away out of fear of what might happen?"

What rights were taken away from anyone?

I re-looked at the photo. It is a small photo, it is difficult to see any faces, I can't identify any of the kids.

People are not immune to having their pictures in the paper, there is no right that protects us from that. These kids still have their due process and the judicial system will deal with them appropriately.

"The Chronicle fueled fire that did not need to be fueled. Responsible reporting was not used and that is what is wrong with media these days. Find out all the facts before trying the "suspects" in the news. Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? And for a public civil servant (Officer Olson) to call these students "wannabe gang-bangers" and for the Chronicle to print that is just blatant discrimination."

What fire was fueled? What discrimmination was committed by the Chronicle and the Marshall Police? You are using buzz words to get your anger across that have no meaning in this context. You are not discrimminating by calling someone a gang-banger wanna be. What have they been discrimminated from?

I think the rhetoric needs to be toned down. Good job MPD for taking these issues seriously.

Anonymous said...

I once heard of a kid who had shaved the back of his head and the only hair left was in the shape of a martini glass. I didn't notice any identifying head or hair marks on the back of those kids' heads. When police are investigating a gun incident near a school, that is newsworthy. If those kids were terrorists, would there be an outcry of innocent before proven gulity?

Anonymous said...

First these kids are "gang-banger wanna bees" and now they might be terriost? Let me tell you something, Marshall is a small town and even though you couldn't see there faces I could still recognize 4 of the 6 kids in the picture. I understand that the police were doing there job in searching the school, but there was no reason for Officer Olson to say what he said and no reason for the chronicle to print that.

"Good job MPD for taking these issues seriously"

Really? Since when does 6 kids doing a school project a serious issue? It makes me mad because kids get in trouble for skipping; I understand why they would get in trouble, but these kids weren't doing that; they were simply doing a school project. Everyone says to kids to stay in school; why would they want to when they get in trouble for it? The MPD needs to worry about real crime and leave innocent kids alone.

Anonymous said...

I commend the paper on addressing the issues of their original publication. I just wish they had thought it through before publishing it at all. If you know who someone is you’ll recognize a picture of them, even of the back of them. Since letters to the paper can’t be anonymous I don’t think comments on this page should be either. If you aren’t hiding anything why hide your name?

Anonymous said...

Let's shoot the messenger, for shame Chronicle printing what you were told by the city's public safety director.

We should all blame the press, after all why should Mike Olsen hold his tongue when he can just call the kids "wannabe gang-bangers" and claim the violated a law that doesn't exist.

Mr Olsen and Officer Groeneveld both have already been denied qualified immunity from prosecution in Federal court for other actions under color of law in regards to violating a Marshall homeowners Constitutional Rights in 2004 that goes to trial in May of this year --

Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242
Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

This statute makes it a crime for any person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom to willfully deprive or cause to be deprived from any person those rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution and laws of the U.S.

This law further prohibits a person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation or custom to willfully subject or cause to be subjected any person to different punishments, pains, or penalties, than those prescribed for punishment of citizens on account of such person being an alien or by reason of his/her color or race.

Acts under "color of any law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the bounds or limits of their lawful authority, but also acts done without and beyond the bounds of their lawful authority; provided that, in order for unlawful acts of any official to be done under "color of any law," the unlawful acts must be done while such official is purporting or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. This definition includes, in addition to law enforcement officials, individuals such as Mayors, Council persons, Judges, Nursing Home Proprietors, Security Guards, etc., persons who are bound by laws, statutes ordinances, or customs.

Punishment varies from a fine or imprisonment of up to one year, or both, and if bodily injury results or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire shall be fined or imprisoned up to ten years or both, and if death results, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.


On May 2nd, 2005 I was dragged from a city counsel meeting by Mike Olsen in violation of both council rules and the Michigan Open Meetings Act. I was jailed for 14 1/2 hours and charged with multiple felony's for assault and resisting and obstruction. Mr Olsen's reason, "he was being disorderly and he can't be disorderly".

He said that AFTER I was found not guilty and after my proving that he, as well as Bret Peherson and Lee Friend had lied in their complaint, reports and on the witness stand under oath.

After a traffic accident a man is wakened by Marshall police officers who have entered his home. He ask what they want, cop says... you guessed it... "You know" and drag him from his home only to find they have the wrong guy. -- Police response: charge him with R&O and Assault, but it was all this guys fault the cops screwed-up.

Now police respond to a call, Kids with camera taking pictures of each other holding what looks like a gun, no report of shots fired, police respond with an assault rifle. They handcuff, search and arrest these 6 "Kids" and charged for violating "A WEAPONS FREE SCHOOL ZONE".
A "Zone" that seems exist only in Mike Olsen's warped little brain.

But please, shoot the messenger... but don't come a cry'n when these goose stepping idiots rub your face in the dirt.

Remember: The Chronicle only reports the news... The Marshall Police Department makes it up...

Anonymous said...

As far as the "story" goes. Let's remember one important fact. The person who saw the students in the first place. That person saw what they saw. A group with a gun and camera near Hughes School. We may be a small town, but things happen in small towns also. What I don't understand, is a teacher allowing a class project that includes a "gun" of any sort. And also being out in public view where the group's actions can be misleading. "Fake guns, toy guns in the hands of anyone can be very misleading to anyone who sees them.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if after the current horrific violence at Virginia Tech if people still think the police over-reacted? Re-read your long comments anoymous above. The police and the Chronicle did the right thing. Thank God.

Anonymous said...

If you expect to have the police to show restraint when they should how can you even compare what happened at VT to what happened in Marshall.
At VT the police had a murder on campus 2 hours before the class room rampage and didn't lock down the campus.
The Marshall Police responded to a call from a concerned person that they "thought they saw" kids video taping each other with what looked like a gun, no one was reporting a crime only a concern, and no shoots fired.
I expect the Marshall Police to respond with resraint when investigating a concern.
Breaking out assault weapons only creates an atmosphere of fear that was not requiered by the situation.
But when the only thing the Chief of Police really knows is use of force (see his bio on the city web site) how can you expect him to know how to respond to a situation like this.
And what about his "wannabe gang bangers" comment, again trying to instill fear in the public.
VT proves we have enough to be afraid of in this world without our own police making things up.

Anonymous said...

Sorry anonymous above, I have to agree with the way the police handled the situation. I would rahter have them error on the side of safety than making a mistake and having people killed because they didn't act. Kids(teens) shouldn't be running around town with guns(or even "toys" than look like guns) anyway. They are smart enough to know better or their parents should have educated them a little better. Too, we have our "wannabee gang bangers" in this town. Just listen to the cars rolling downtown "thumping", the low-hung-baggy pants, the cocked ballcaps, it's here and I see it.