Friday, June 8, 2007


We are getting questions from current subscribers about whether they will receive refunds. We are still working out the details of how to handle those paid subscriptions...please bear with us as we strive to iron out the details of this transition. Thank you for your patience. The first comment below is from Marshall Mayor Bruce Smith, who asked that his name be revealed in connection with the posting.


Anonymous said...

I have purchased a paper at the news-stand or local store every week for the past two years because I did not want to wait until Tuesday to get the information. Previously I had a subscription.

I will continue to pay for the "free" paper because I think it is worth it to have local news provided to everyone in the community. I would hope that those who have paid for a portion of this year would agree and not feel compelled to ask for a refund.

Because I know that there is a cost to this service, I will willingly contribute twice the normal subscription fee, once for our houshold and once for a someone in the community that didn't get it before.

Marshall Chronicle and Community Advisor said...

Dear Anonymous,
Your generosity and support are more appreciated than you know. We do feel great ownership for the product we deliver and take to heart your support. Please know we will continue to strive to provide the community with quality, balanced, objective and professionally reported local news.
With deep gratitude,
The Editor