Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Your subscription balances...

We believe we have worked out a fair way to reimburse those who have unfulfilled Chronicle subscriptions who wish to have their money returned now that we are delivering the paper to your house free of charge. We will be issuing a Credit Voucher that will be good for either paper for classified ads, birthday ads, thank you ad, or whatever type of ad you choose. It will be good "forever" until you use it up. Also, you can transfer the voucher to someone if you like. However, we also hope you will want to contribute the balance to us to apply to the expenses of expanding our readership tenfold with this free delivery transition. It's your choice. We hope this helps clear up any confusion. Thank you for reading the Chronicle and Ad-Visor! Once again, please, keep those news tips coming! And of course, always let us know how we're doing.

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