Monday, August 27, 2007

Schauer (D-Battle Creek) Praises Today's Announcement by the Lansing Board Of Water & Light to Increase Use of Cleaner Energy

The follow is a press release from Sen. Mark Schauer's office:

"Innovative partnerships like this are a step in the right direction and will benefit Michigan's consumers, economy, and environment. Senate Democrats are committed to expanding the use of clean, alternative energies, which is why we support Senator Jim Barcia's plan to require 20 percent of our energy comes from renewable sources by the year 2020. Hopefully, the Legislature will take up this important legislation soon."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a Lansing issue. If you do not show why it is remotely relevant to Marshall, it doesn't belong in the MARSAHLL paper. (Or will you just print anything Schauer sends out no matter the local relevance.) You could have talked about how much money this legislation would cost the city of Marshall--renegotiation power contracts, forcing Marshall power bring in less cost effective electricity, basically the state mandating local governments do something without ever paying a penny to help. I wish Schauer would take off for Washington right now and get further away from my local government. Maybe we'd be better represented by a republican in the state senate.