Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Blood drive Feb. 18 at Wright Building

A Red Cross Blood Drive is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 18 at Oaklawn Hospital from 11 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. in the Wright Medical Building on the third floor.
Anyone in good health who is at least 17 and weighs at least 110 pounds may give blood. There is no upper age limit. There must be at least 56 days since the last donation. It is important to eat a good meal and drink plenty of fluids before giving blood. There are a few medical restrictions such a recent surgery, taking certain medications, recent cancer, a non-sterile tattoo or body piercing in the past year or travel to certain foreign countries. The Red Cross head nurse at the drive can answer questions and is now encouraging donors to make appointments which will be given preference over walk-ins.
Call 1-800-GIVELIFE.
Donors must have a photo ID or donor card to donate.

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