Monday, February 4, 2008

This week's front page. Click for larger view.


Anonymous said...

Good Riddance

Anonymous said...

In a "letter to the editor" Ron Holcomb thanked volunteers for their services at the All-Elementary Carnival and singled out a few people in particular. What about Mr. Hanson who acted as the administrative liaison or the parents who headed up specific committees, ie. Large Raffle, Baskets, Food, Games, etc? Why have the carnival in February? What happened to October? It didn't seem as crowded as it had in the past. I think that attendance was down due to the date change and the weather and the lack of funds since people were still recouping from Christmas. Where was the media coverage? If I hadn't talked to my neighbor I would have never know about the carnival. Shame on you Mr. Holcomb for poor planning!